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C2BF Newsletter- May 11, 2020

CLICK HERE to read this week's newsletter. Be sure to check it out to see our step totals from last week. Just a friendly reminder to post your step totals by Monday at This will be the final Step for Heroes tally so be sure to get in your hero shout-outs. However, we aren't finished walking yet! Starting on Monday, May 11th, we will be starting Step for Seniors to honor our RCHS Class of 2020!! See page 2 for details.


Page 1- Happenings & Highlights (Step for Heroes- Week 2)

Page 2- Announcements- (Step for Seniors starts May 11th)

Page 3- Tips from the Team

Page 4- Recipe of the Week (Healthy Freezer Breakfast Burritos)

Step for Seniors

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